Die with Zero: Getting All You Can From Your Money and Your Life

Author: Bill Perkins

Hardcover: 240 pages

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Publishing date: July 28, 2020


Who is this book for?

Readers of any age who are tired of losing out on life’s best experiences as they save for their so-called Golden Years.

What’s inside this book?

  • Perkins’ controversial philosophy for prioritizing memorable lifelong experiences over hyper-saving for retirement

  • A practical guide for optimizing and enjoying each stage of life

  • Illustrative anecdotes from Perkins’ own life experience and inspiring tales of others

  • Revolutionary insights about time, money, and happiness from psychological science and behavioral finance

5 lessons you’ll learn from this book:

  1. How to live each day to the fullest

  2. How to stop over-saving and under-living

  3. How to maximize your memorable lifetime moments by “experience bucketing.”

  4. How to convert your earnings into priceless memories by following your “net worth curve.”

  5. How to navigate whether to invest in or delay a meaningful adventure based on your “spend curve” and “personal interest rate.”

4 questions this book will answer for you:

  1. If I’m doing everything right, why am I feeling cheated out of life’s best moments?

  2. Do I have to forego an experience today to save for tomorrow?

  3. Is there a way to responsibly plan for retirement without compromising my quality of life?

  4. Does contemporary science support the theory that a life of saving brings happiness?

What people are saying about this book: 

  • “This book provides an amazing blueprint to living your life while using your resources correctly!” — Kevin Hart

  • “Bill Perkins’ Die with Zero teaches us how to trade off money for something of real value — life’s moments of pure joy, whose memories are our ultimate treasure.” — Laurence Kotlikoff

  • “This book brilliantly gives one a roadmap for living life over planning for death, for making a difference while you’re here to see that difference become real, and for generating priceless memory dividends with friends and family which far exceeds the value of any portfolio.” — W. Randall Jones

  • “Read this book, change your thinking, and wake up to accumulating experiences now before it’s too late.” — David Bach