Protect Your Holiday Loan: Safety Tips for Online Shopping

We send gifts to our loved ones during the holidays as a reminder that we care for them. The countdown to the season of giving has begun, and for many, the next few weeks will be all about shopping, shopping……and more shopping. 

Let’s face it; we rarely pick up items in brick-and-mortar stores nowadays. After all, purchasing them online is more convenient and sometimes even more budget-friendly. 

Unfortunately, it is also the season when scammers and hackers take advantage of unsuspecting shoppers. To protect yourself from possible cyber-attacks, refer to the tips below.

Think Before Clicking

If something is too good to be true, it most likely is. The same principle applies when you see a link for products with unrealistically massive discounts. There’s a possibility that the items are fake, or worse, the link could redirect you to a website created to steal your data. 

To prevent this, avoid clicking on links from unfamiliar websites, no matter how tempting it is. But if you think the offer is too good to pass up, type their website name into your browser rather than clicking on the provided link.

Use Trusted Apps From Reliable Sources

With the help of mobile apps, you can finish holiday shopping in a snap! Keep in mind, however, that you should never install apps from unfamiliar sources. Hackers could use apps laced with malicious software to hijack your smartphone. 

To ensure a safe online shopping experience, only download apps through reliable sources like Google Play, Apple App Store, Galaxy Apps, or Amazon App Store. It’s also highly advisable to use the retailer’s official app or website.

Don’t Save Your Credit Card Information.

While it is convenient to save your credit card info on websites for future purchases, remember that doing so comes with a risk. Some retail sites are not equipped to keep your information secure. 

This could leave your data and credit card details vulnerable to cybercriminals. To avoid this nightmare of a scenario, don’t allow websites to save your payment information.

Consider Using Pay Apps

Credit card fraud is a significant problem in the United States. And while there are ways to get your money back after falling victim to fraudulent purchases, it’s better to avoid the hassle and stress altogether.

For an added layer of protection, consider making your purchases through legitimate pay apps such as Google Pay, Apple Pay, and Venmo. Digital wallet applications hide your credit card information from the merchant by creating a unique, one-time pin that’s only good for a specific transaction.

Do You Need a Holiday Loan?

Now that you’re equipped with basic knowledge of online buying safety, you may begin enjoying your holiday shopping spree! If you need a holiday loan to finance your purchases, turn to Members Choice Credit Union.

We provide different types of loans–big and small–to support our members with their endeavors. Become a member today!