Posts tagged budgeting
The Beginner’s Guide to Filling Out a W-4

It's no secret that the IRS excels at making things complicated. And when you're busy learning the ropes of a new job, filling out a 4-page W-4 form can be a huge hassle. It's not a good idea to rush through it because a small mistake now can mean withholding too much or too little of your salary to cover your taxes. Several recent changes to the W-4 have also been made, so you may need to adjust your current form on file.

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Saving on Landscaping

For the green-thumbed homeowner, there are few things as pleasurable as running fingers through soft, moist earth, catching sight of the first flowering buds of spring, and inhaling the scent of freshly cut grass.

Tending to a lawn and garden can get expensive. Between seeds, fertilizer, and gardening supplies, costs can be high enough to take the pleasure out of lawn care.

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Credit Cards Or Debit Cards – What’s The Smartest Swipe?

Most people own at least one debit card and one credit card. They know they have them but may need help understanding all the differences between credit and debit cards.

Believe it or not, there are many. The most fundamental difference is that you're borrowing money each time you use a credit card. A debit card, on the other hand, simply transfers your own money from your checking account to the vendor you're paying.

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Help! I Overspent On Christmas!

It’s so easy to go overboard on Christmas. If you have kids, you want everything to be perfect for them. You want to build priceless memories, so spending any amount seems worth it. Giving extravagant gifts to your family members seems like a great idea … until you’re staring at a huge credit card bill in January.

Check out these four ways to patch up your finances and have things right before summer.

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My Savings Has Been Wiped Clean; How Can I Replenish it?

If the #pandemic has made your savings ill, there’s no vaccine, but we can help you cure it! Start with a goal, figuring out how much you’ll need to save up to cover 3-6 months of expenses. Trim your budget wherever you can find side hustles, and even go through your house for old treasures that might be sellable. Take a look at how much you’re saving each month and figure out how long it will take to reach your goal. If it’s an option, make savings automatic by having a monthly transfer into your savings account. You’ll be ready in no time!

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