The Beginner’s Guide to Credit Cards

Credit cards! Can’t live with them, can’t live without them. According to the latest report by the Federal Reserve, there’s a whopping $790 billion in credit card debt in the U.S. On the flip side, though, opening credit cards and managing them responsibly is crucial to establishing your credit history, which impacts your eligibility and rates for large, low-interest loans.

Here’s all you need to know about credit cards.

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All You Need to Know About Personal Loans

Personal loans, sometimes called unsecured loans, are loans that allow flexible use, offer short- to moderate-term repayment options and quick funding. Their versatility and convenience make them a popular choice for borrowers of every financial standing. Let’s take a deeper look at personal loans, how they work, and their pros and cons. 

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All You Need to Know About Home Equity Loans

As you pay down your first mortgage or the value of your home increases, you develop equity. When you have equity built up in your home, borrowing against it with a home equity loan is a great way to tap into the money you need most. Many people take out a home equity loan to finance home improvements, pay for their child’s college education, cover unforeseen medical costs, and many other purposes.

Here’s all you need to know about home equity loans:

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Members Choice CU Enhances Team with New Hire

Members Choice is known for its exceptional member service, financial recommendation, and welcoming environment. Founded in 1932 in Ashland, Kentucky, the organization is committed to growing its membership and concentrating on strategic goals, including hiring one new strategic leader and aligning the leadership team for growth. 

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Guest User
How to Create a Budget Easily

Who needs a budget anyway? If you’re always wondering how you’ll pay the next bill, feel guilty when you indulge in overpriced treats, and can’t find money to put into savings, you probably need a budget. A budget is not a magic potion that will automatically solve your money problems but it will help you gain financial awareness. That, in turn, will help facilitate more responsible decisions.

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Why You Need to Be Financially Fit

Individual Americans spend hundreds of dollars a year and at least as many hours on keeping themselves physically fit — but too many people neglect their financial health. Just like physical health, being financially fit is crucial to your well-being, future, and quality of life. 

Here’s why being financially fit is important and how to overcome common barriers to achieving financial wellness. 

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12 Steps to Financial Wellness Series Step 9: Build and Maintain an Excellent Credit Score

Your credit score is a crucial part of your financial health. The three little numbers measure the capacity of your credit, the proficiency of your money management, and your fiscal responsibility. An excellent credit score can open the door to large loans with better interest rates, employment opportunities, and more. On the flip side, a poor credit score can be a strong impediment to building wealth, funding large purchases, and finding gainful employment.

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Grace Allen
12 Steps to Financial Wellness Series Step 5: Practice Mindful Spending

Creating a budget and deciding to stick to it is easy; it’s carrying through on your plan that’s the hard part. For too many people, financial responsibility ends with having good intentions, and real-life gets in the way of all well-laid plans. The discrepancy between what they want and what they do is caused by their failure to spend mindfully. When every indulgence and impulse buy is just a swipe away, it can be super-challenging to rein in that spending instinct – but it is possible. Here’s how to learn the art of mindful spending.

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International Credit Union Day

On October 20, 2022, Members Choice Credit Union will join over 56,000 credit unions worldwide to celebrate International Credit Union (ICU) Day®. The theme of ICU Day 2022 is “Empower Your Financial Future with a Credit Union.”

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