4 Back-to-School Apps for Parents and Students

It’s #backtoschool time, whether your kids are tuning into Zoom or heading back in person, we’ve got four apps that will help! #MyHomework helps keep due dates and classwork organized, with paid and free versions. #LaLaLunchbox makes lunch planning a family affair, with the kids picking lunch and the app generating a shopping list. For the whole family, #Cozi Family Organizer will keep everyone on the same page, with daily schedules, shopping lists, and more. Finally, #BearFocusTimer has resources to help little ones stay focused on tasks for short periods. All you’ll need is a Trapper Keeper!

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How to Keep a Well-Padded Checking Account

There’s lots of talk in the world of personal finance about managing a savings account best. You might read up on financial experts who recommend keeping three to six months’ worth of living expenses in your savings account. Maybe you’ve seen a tip about socking away enough money to cover more substantial costs. Either way, there’s lots of discussion about the ideal amount of money to keep in a savings account.

But what about our checking accounts in Ashland, KY? Most of us use these accounts daily. Every swipe of a debit card, every bill we pay, and every personal check we write takes money out of our checking account.

How much money should we be keeping in these super-convenient accounts? Let’s find out.

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Your Complete Guide to Using Your Credit Cards

Using #creditcards responsibly is a great way to build your credit score. Be sure to remember that a credit card charge is a mini loan, and you’ll pay interest on it if you don’t pay your bill in full every month. Try not to spend more than what’s in your monthly budget to stay ahead of the bill. Paying in full and on time lets you make the most of the rewards your card might offer. Beware late payments, as the fees can be very high. Set aside a specific time every month to pay your card bill before it’s due. And be sure to set up an emergency fund, so you don’t have to rely on cards to pay for unplanned expenses!

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What Is a Credit Union?

It may seem like there are not many differences between a credit union and a traditional bank. While both offer similar services, the two financial institutions are far from interchangeable.

A closer look reveals that a credit union operates differently as well as provides unique benefits to its members. Below is a breakdown of how a credit union in Kentucky and a bank are unique from one another.

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How to Read a Paystub

Are you puzzled by your paystub? Members Choice CU can help! Start with gross pay (how much you made), then move into #taxes like federal and (maybe) state income taxes and deductions for Social Security and Medicare. These are affected by the deductions claimed on your W-4. You’ll also find deductions for health insurance or healthcare savings, retirement plans, or other employer-sponsored plans. Right before the big finish, you’ll see any reimbursements from your employer for concealed expenditures. You then get to your net pay, which is the amount sitting safely in your credit union account!

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Guest Userpaystub, tax, taxes
Tarra Jackson: Madam Money

Tarra Jackson, otherwise known as #MadamMoney, offers hardcore financial advice based on a long career in the financial industry. Recent topics include pandemic financial survival tips and articles on the government stimulus. She helps her readers and clients boost credit scores, improve savings, and much more. Her roster of A-list clients attest to her savvy, and you’ll appreciate her wisdom!

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Beware Back-to-School Tuition Scams

With students (hopefully) heading back to school for the fall semester, the #scams are out in force! You might be told there’s a “fee” that needs payment, a grant has been canceled, or a check has bounced. Of course, there’s a demand for immediate payment lest you (or your student) lose their place in school. Public-university students can get the same sort of scam with “student tax” payments. Fake scholarships and grants try to collect fees upfront to file FAFSA forms or harvest personal information to provide assistance. Always verify any payment with the agency allegedly collecting them. Guard your money and your information well!

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My Savings Has Been Wiped Clean; How Can I Replenish it?

If the #pandemic has made your savings ill, there’s no vaccine, but we can help you cure it! Start with a goal, figuring out how much you’ll need to save up to cover 3-6 months of expenses. Trim your budget wherever you can find side hustles, and even go through your house for old treasures that might be sellable. Take a look at how much you’re saving each month and figure out how long it will take to reach your goal. If it’s an option, make savings automatic by having a monthly transfer into your savings account. You’ll be ready in no time!

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The Top 6 Photo Apps for Summer

Whether you’re on a #staycation or going somewhere for the summer, you’ll want a cool photo app to make your vacation pictures look great! For Android, Open Camera can work as your new camera, offering a whole suite of options. For iOS, Darkroom is a top-rated app that gives excellent control; Pixlr lets you save your favorite edits to use on multiple photos, and Prisma enables you to make your shots look like famous artists’ paintings. For both platforms, Snapseed lets you fine-tune your photos’ look, and Cymera offers body modification and skin smoothing among its tools. Download them all!

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How to Travel Safely this Summer

If you’re one of the many Americans “breaking quarantine” to #vacation this year, you can stay safe! Be sure to check lockdown restrictions at your destination, and in the states along the way if you’re traveling by car. If you’re flying, pack hand sanitizer and cleaning wipes to keep your seat area safe, and wear your face covering at all times. Car travelers need to be sure to clean as they go at rest stops. For hotels or other lodgings, check the onsite cleaning program and do a wipe down of your own (don’t forget the TV remote) when you arrive. Be especially careful at tourist attractions, keeping your social distance, and wearing your face covering. It won’t be like vacations you’ve taken in the past, but you can getaway!

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How to Turn Your Back Yard into an Oasis

If you’re staying home this summer, make your #staycation rock with some backyard fun! Upgrade your outdoor furniture and invest in an above-ground pool for instant fun. Add greenery where you can, and make a natural playscape for the kids. Speaking of the kids, they’ll love a DIY splashpad or rock-climbing wall, or go old school with a swing set. There are tons of different designs, some with clubhouses and rope swings built-in! If you’re short on cash, Members Choice CU can help with a loan!

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Guest Useroutdoors, fun, summer, DIY
Members Choice Names Fourteen 2020 Scholarship

Members Choice began establishing scholarship funds about two decades ago to benefit member-owners attaining a post-secondary education. Members Choice received more than 50 applications for this year's awards. Members Choice Scholarship Program has awarded $131,000 to date. The 2020 Scholarship Program will award an additional $14,000, bringing our total to $145,000 awarded to local students.

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Are You Ready to Buy a House?

Are you really ready to buy a house? Becoming a #homeowner is a big step, and before you take it, you want to make sure your credit rating and income are high enough, the neighborhood where you want to live is a good investment and that you’re really ready to settle down since most experts recommend not buying if you don’t plan to live in the house for at least five years. You’ll also want to make sure you’re ready to handle the situation if something breaks since you won’t have a landlord anymore. If everything checks out, though, get started house hunting!  

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Against All Odds: J.K. Rowling

The world knows J.K. Rowling as the author of the #HarryPotter books, but she had a tough life before the first book sold. Growing up poor, with a mother stricken by MS, she went to college and worked as a secretary until her mother died. She married, had a daughter, and divorced while working on the early drafts of the books. Dirt poor in Edinburgh, she finally finished the first book and endured a series of rejections before it was finally picked up. The rest is history. She became the first billionaire author but has given much of her fortune to charity. She’s remarried, had two more children, and continues her philanthropy, especially with organizations serving orphans … like Harry!

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Preparing for an Interview

For a lot of people, the job #interview is the scariest part of the job-hunting process, but you can nail it! Research the company well, and be sure to highlight what you can bring to the table to help the business succeed. Recruit a friend to help you practice your answers to common questions. The night before, lay out your clothes and be sure to get a good night’s sleep. Walk into the interview confidently, and be sure to maintain eye contact and answer questions clearly. Follow up afterward, and keep in touch!

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Should You Take the Zero-Percent Financing Offered by the Dealer?

Automakers feeling the pinch are offering #zerointerest loans to get you into the showroom (or the website). But is that offer a good deal? Frequently, the loan terms are different from the usual five-year note, and you’ll most likely be giving up any rebates or other cash-back offers in order to get the zero-interest loan. Before you jump on the offer, call Members Choice CU and check your rate and the amount for which you can get financed, then take a look at the carmaker’s zero-interest offer and see which one works better for you!

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How To Use a Job Loss as a Stepping Stone for Growth

If you’re facing job loss, either because of the #pandemic or some other reason, it’s not the end of the world. This is a great time to step back, consider the career goals you had in the past, and see where you need to be to get there. Figure out your dream job and see what you need to make it real! You’ll need a resume, of course, and there is online help for that, or you can hire a resume pro to help you craft one. Network with friends, family, and associates and see if they have connections that can help. Social media can be a great tool here, as well! Take the time to find the job you want … your future self will thank you!

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